Writing through the Fog is Here!
Well, the day has finally arrived. Writing through the Fog hit the virtual bookshelf at 3:30 this morning, and I couldn’t be more excited!
If you’ve been struggling to write with brain fog, this guide is here to help, so float on over to Amazon and give it a “Look Inside,” then buy it there or from your local bookstore!
In Writing through the Fog, a first-of its-kind guide, I present unique and sometimes surprising tips to keep a foggy brain focused and writing. I began struggling with MS-related brain fog more than a decade ago, and relearning to write became my obsession. In the years since, I’ve discovered and cultivated a number of tricks to keep a muddied writing mind – whether from brain fog or not – on track and energized.
In Writing through the Fog, you’ll learn how to re-frame your attitudes toward writing, find and use the inspiration that’s all around you, determine your optimal writing times, set up a writing space that works for you, and stay focused while you pen the great American novel – or a birthday card to your cousin.
Fake It ‘Til You Make It: Learning to Value Yourself as a Writer
A Heap of Loafing: Why Writers Need Time
Swoopers and Bashers: Editing While You Write
Bathtubs, Desks and Coffee Shops: Shaping Your Writing Space
Just Sit: How to Begin and End Your Writing Session
Imperfectionism: How to Slay Your Writing Goblin
Is this Book for You?
If you feel that brain fog has forced you to give up writing, but the urge to create hasn’t gone away, this book is for you. Cognitive issues don’t have to be the end of your writing. You still have the same abilities you’ve always had; the process just requires a different approach these days. With patience, persistence and a healthy dose of humor, you can reclaim the writing life you once took for granted.
What About Writer’s Block?
Even if you aren’t experiencing sustained brain fog, this book can help you get through a rough writing patch. Brain fog and writer’s block present many of the same obstacles, just in varying degrees:
- Staring at a blank screen unable to find the right words
- A tendency toward distraction
- A lack of inspiration
- A feeling that you’ll never write again
- A loss of steam
- A lack of motivation and energy
- An inability to concentrate
- Increased self-criticism
- Fear that you’ve lost your creative prowess
Each of these is a symptom that might be shared by sufferers of both brain fog and writer’s block. Their root cause? Being unable to put good words on the page. For a writer, feeling blocked is one of life’s most disheartening experiences, whether it’s due to a murky brain or to a fear of criticism or to an inability to find inspiration. Writing through the Fog gives you the tools you need to reclaim your life as a writer despite these molehills masquerading as steep and craggy mountains.
If you’re searching for ways to overcome writer’s block and you work best with inspiration, encouragement and reassurance, this book is for you. No matter how large or small your writing project, Writing through the Fog will help you reach the end of it with your sanity intact.